Tuesday 26 January 2010


I've lived in the same house for 20 years. Coming up 21. I hate almost everything about this place. I'm starting to like a little bit more.
I guess because I'm finally starting to put my stamp on it. I've always thought of this place of a stepping stone. Some stepping stone you'd say.
I moved here when I was ten and lived here with my family (mum and brothers) until I was about 17/18 years old. When my elder brother moved back, my mum moved out with her now ex husband.
So in the year 2000 my big bro had serious car accident and was in a coma for six months (we were told he would never wake - he did but is wheelchair bound)and myself and my then boyfriend, now husband were 'stuck' here. We both resented it for different reasons- the house that is.
So i've never moved out. I'm just here. Still.
I have to say alhamdulilah though. Although it's not the way I had envisaged it. It has worked out well.
I've got much more to say but just don't have it in my right now.

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