Friday 22 January 2010

Happy New year!

I have composed many a blog entry over these past months - in my head. Not sure if they would have been of any interest to anyone.
I've been awol mostly because my second son has had a severe case of infected eczema on his face for over half of his life. It's been an absolute nightmare. I have been unable to put him down for months on end as he would scratch, and scratch and scratch. His face was a raw open wound. As I described it to a friend 'he looked like corned beef and smelled like raw meat'. Poor kid
Can you imagine being so itchy that you can't.stop.itching? It drove me crazy so I can't imagine how it felt for him.
Alhamdulilah, he's better right now. I say right now because his condition can change overnight.
He's been on antibiotic after antibiotic. Steriod cream after steriod cream. I wish I could take it away for him. In between the scratching he is a delight!


tranquility said...

subhanAllah, how hard for you both.

Allah give him a complete shifaa and relief so that it doesn't return. amin.

have you ever used homeopathy or EFT ( Both can be used for deep healing. Homeopathy is pretty hard going with skin conditions as they tend to get worse first, but bring it to the surface before clearing out iyswim. EFT is supposed to be quicker. Allah knows best.

Oxymornic said...

JazakAllah Khair.
I'll definitely check it out. I've been think of visiting a herbal practitioner.