Wednesday 10 February 2010

Are you Socially/Environmentally Responsible?

I know for sure that i'm not environmentally responsible.
I walk past a lady that cycles to the nursery with her son and today I mentioned that I feel bad getting into my car when she's cycled.
I think I'm a wannabe. I want to be more responsible but quite frankly, i'm not.
I don't recycle. I dabbled in cloth nappies, that didn't take. I don't use my car often but I could use it less (less than 7000 miles in 3yrs). However, we are a two car family and we do use each others cars.
I've turned the heating down, but that was for my son.
I've started putting my food waste to be composted by the council. Only because they've given me the facility to do so.
So as you can see I'm not responsible. Sometimes I feel stupid

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