Tuesday, 11 May 2010

I remembered something else!

I am a consumer. I consume and consume and consume. Phew! It's tiring and actually pretty unfulfilling. I remember  a song by Kanye West "All falls down" resonated with me. Let me fnd the words...
"a single black female addicted to retail...We'll buy a lot of clothes when we don't really need em
Things we buy to cover up what's inside..."
There's more but these highlight the point i'm trying to make. Why do I feel the need to acquire stuff? I have two large storage cupboards jan packed with 'things'. I use the same things in these cupboards and large majority are stored. But if I don't use them, what the heck am I keeping them for?
I need to get rid of some shit!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

I've penned a few blog entries in my head

But not posted them. Lets see if i can remember...
Oh yeah, the first was about perception.
It follows on from my ST Georges flag post.
When I see a woman in niqab I feel a bit envious. I wish that I had the faith and confidence to wear one. I don't feel fear, but apparently some do.
I can't remember what it felt like for me to see a woman in niqab before I was a Muslim. I'm not sure I even noticed.
So perception in 'nine tenths of the law' as  I like to put it. We can look at the same thing and yet perceive it to be something else.
My husband and I can't agree on what a jumper is.
Which leads me on to politics...
I spoke to friend on polling day about who were going to vote for and our reasons behind doing so. This conversation carried on for approximately 60mins. With us no closer to understanding each others viewpoint. We've been friends for a long time.
But it did make me wonder how we can be friends when we are poles apart in our thinking regarding politics? In fact, it's not that our chosen political stances differ. It's that our understanding of the political system is very different.
It was her first year voting.
Which leads me on to a thread at my favourite watering hole ;) Where it was  argued that the BNP are not racist and how is 'Britain staying British' racist?
Well what can I say to that? Lots, but I'm not going to bother other than to ask what is it to be British?
And finally. After watching that debate unfold I bumped into someone that i've known for about 20yrs and some how got onto politics (yeah, learn your lesson woman). She then started to go on about illegal immigrants??!! Show me and illegal immigrant!! I know they exist but honestly I think the people she was talking about were immigrants. Nothing illegal about them.
This coming from a woman who 'fiddles the system'. WTHeck??!!
I'll crawl my butt back under a stone.