I keep changing my mind as to which type we should get. Bantams, Light fowl or Large fowl.
The smaller they are the more you can keep ;)
We (my eldest son, my mum and myself - whilst pregnant) attended a chicken keeping course. It was actually fun! My son got to hold a chick and stroke and feed the birds. He still talks about it now!
And then there's housing. As I've said before I'd like an Eglu. But I've realised that I'd have to get a cube as I live somwhere that an eglu 'classic' could quite easily be pinched.
So one day maybe.

Anyway, the breeds that I'm thinking of at the moment are Araucana, Sultan and Silkie
All are pure breeds rather than hybrids. Which mean they will not lay as many eggs but should live longer and lay for longer. I've realised that I'm looking for pet chickens. Chickens that will be fun for the children, that will give us a few eggs and are part of the family. Rather than prolific egg layers as we don't eat that many eggs!