Luvly, luvly!
Mmmm If I had the money, i'd totally order one of those coats! It's a babywearing coat but not as we know it. I thought about asking for one for Eid but they are expensive! I don't think i could ever justify one, i'll have to see if they ever have a sale lol!
Did I ever tell you that my friend sells traditional Somali dresses called
Diraac? These are traditionally worn for parties. I'd like to get a new one for Eid - It's a custom to wear new clothes at Eid.
There are two Eid's in the Islamic calender the one that we will celebrate at the end of Ramadhan is Eid-ul-fitr. InshaAllah (God willing) I'll be off to the Masjid (Mosque) in the morning as it is sunnah (what the prophet Muhammad pbuh- peace be upon him) would do.
Not too sure how we will spend the rest of the day. We usually visit my husbands family and give presents to the kids - My family are Christians, or should I say not Muslims ;) Anyway, this year we are trying to enter into the spirit of the festivities as we are a bit bah humbug.
I'm thinking about getting DS1 a bike and I have no Idea what to get DS2!! Poor kid needs nothing as his brother has everything to hand down to him. Or should I say, Lucky kid.....