Sunday, 30 August 2009

Meet my due date baby!

He's a little monster compared to his big brother! Already in 3-6 month clothing ;) His elder brother adores him and just wants to kiss and cuddle him all the time! I feel so lucky.
The vest was a present from my crochet teacher Ceri who sells things on folksy under the name fabricake

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Oh my word!

Luvly, luvly! Mmmm If I had the money, i'd totally order one of those coats! It's a babywearing coat but not as we know it. I thought about asking for one for Eid but they are expensive! I don't think i could ever justify one, i'll have to see if they ever have a sale lol!
Did I ever tell you that my friend sells traditional Somali dresses called Diraac? These are traditionally worn for parties. I'd like to get a new one for Eid - It's a custom to wear new clothes at Eid.
There are two Eid's in the Islamic calender the one that we will celebrate at the end of Ramadhan is Eid-ul-fitr. InshaAllah (God willing) I'll be off to the Masjid (Mosque) in the morning as it is sunnah (what the prophet Muhammad pbuh- peace be upon him) would do.
Not too sure how we will spend the rest of the day. We usually visit my husbands family and give presents to the kids - My family are Christians, or should I say not Muslims ;) Anyway, this year we are trying to enter into the spirit of the festivities as we are a bit bah humbug.
I'm thinking about getting DS1 a bike and I have no Idea what to get DS2!! Poor kid needs nothing as his brother has everything to hand down to him. Or should I say, Lucky kid.....


Assalamualaikum - May peace be upon you.
Still on a 'changing my life kick'. Not really changed anything big yet though. I'm trying to modify my behaviour. I've not been the nicest person to live with, my hubby has already said he's going to have me checked out lol!
Actually that's pretty sad.
So yeah, inside out is my new mantra! I'm working on me, I want to be the person I was meant to be.
I've also realised that I'm not the person to plan our future. I have pie in the sky 'wants' but I don't really have an tangible goals. So I'm going to give myself little ones and work up to bigger ones.
My ultimate goal is to go to Heaven, inshaAllah (God willing) and I feel like i'm failing miserably at trying to do that at the moment.
Oh, my hubby's nephew passed his GCSE's with flying colours all A*'s and A's ;) Well Done!!!!

Friday, 28 August 2009

It's late

But i'm trying to start a new page in my life and InshaAllah (God willing) It starts here!
Cheer me on ;)
It's Ramadhan!!! A very special month for Muslims. A time for reflection, fasting ,trying to get closer to God and praying for forgiveness.
I fasted for three days and made myself ill on the third day. I'm actually exempt from fasting as I'm breastfeeding my 3 month old son. But I thought it was time I tried to dip my toe back in. It really does help to clarify the mind and soul.
So I'm having a break in order to replenish my stores.

Currently I'm busy making lists in order to improve my life. Wish me luck.