Ok, so I haven't got them yet but I'm still trying to prepare for them. I keep changing my mind as to which type we should get. Bantams, Light fowl or Large fowl. The smaller they are the more you can keep ;) We (my eldest son, my mum and myself - whilst pregnant) attended a chicken keeping course. It was actually fun! My son got to hold a chick and stroke and feed the birds. He still talks about it now! And then there's housing. As I've said before I'd like an Eglu. But I've realised that I'd have to get a cube as I live somwhere that an eglu 'classic' could quite easily be pinched. So one day maybe. Wooden houses have started to look more attainable right now. Doodlehouses are top of the list as they can be completely dismantled so that any red mite infestations can be eradicated. Apparently, it's very common and not very nice for the birds. Anyway, the breeds that I'm thinking of at the moment are Araucana, Sultan and Silkie All are pure breeds rather than hybrids. Which mean they will not lay as many eggs but should live longer and lay for longer. I've realised that I'm looking for pet chickens. Chickens that will be fun for the children, that will give us a few eggs and are part of the family. Rather than prolific egg layers as we don't eat that many eggs!
It gets thrown up in the news every so often doesn't it? Should fathers be at births or not? For my first, there was no question. As far as I was concerned my husband had to be at the birth. He did well too and I'm glad he was there to help me with this strange new experience. For the second, I gave him the option of not being there. I knew how traumatic it was for him. I knew what to expect, and that I could cope with what was to come. Don't get me wrong. I did want him there but I realised that it should be his choice. I can't imagine what it's like to witness someone you love give birth. I can't watch strangers on the television! Without any drugs too!! No thanks ;) Anyway, If you read my birth story you know that he did attend the birth of our second child, and was the PERFECT birth partner. I can't imagine giving birth without him. It's his voice I hear through the pain. The one that coaches me and supports me. Just thinking about it makes me go all gooey. So who is your perfect birth partner?
I've never posted this online and have only shared it with a couple of people.
I’d been having contractions for 3 days previously, consistent and uncomfortable but they didn’t amount to anything. During those 3 days I was using my TENS machine on and off to manage the pain.
I’d also phoned the midwife a few times as I had opted for a homebirth and wanted to keep them updated as my son’s birth had been fairly quick and I didn’t want to be caught out.
At this point I still hadn’t decided if I was going to have the baby at home or in the hospital. My husband had wanted me to go to hospital but had also said it was ultimately my decision.
A friend had brought to my attention that there had been an MRSA scare at Saint Mary’s Hospital, which was the hospital I was intending to give birth in *if * I went to hospital. I guess it ended up being a blessing in disguise as it helped to convince my husband that a homebirth was an option. However, it shook me as I always wantedand needed the option of the hospital whatever I ultimately decided.
Many of my slingmeet friends advocate homebirth, and although I could see benefits I didn’t have a horrible experience in hospital with my first. Therefore I didn’t know what I wanted, or feel strongly one way or another.
My friend Souad said to me that I should give birth wherever I feel safe. That became my mantra. So when people asked me if I had decided where I was going to give birth I could never tell them.I did not know if I could/would feel safe at home until It was happening. So I would just say that I would see how I felt at the time.
So on the Tuesday morning I woke up and was still having regular, uncomfortable contractions and was due to go and see the midwife for a check up. I popped out to macdonalds and got myself an egg mcmuffin whilst my husband and son were in bed. On the way back to the house my contractions became stronger and more uncomfortable. I decided to phone the midwife and let her know. She decided to pop out and see me rather than make me come to the Gp’s surgery.
Along came the midwife. She offered to give me an internal (delightful) , and promptly told me that I hadn’t dilated AT ALL, although my cervix was favourable and things were looking good.
That depressed me no end, as the previous days of contractions were taking their toll. My first sons’ labour was pretty straight forward compared to this so I felt like a novice.
I busied myself on the internet ;) , did a few chores and sat upstairs watching tv trying to cope with the contractions that were getting stronger, moving from my exercise ball to the bed. Whilst timing the contractionswith a timer available on the internet. They had been for the longest time under 10mins apart ( I was told to phone the midwife when they were 10mins apart). So I phoned the midwife again to keep them informed regarding my labour (I was scared that they would be unavailable). I was again told to phone back again when they got stronger. The contractions themselves were very painful, but in between I was fine.
This went on for a few more hours.
I then spoke to my husband and thought that it was time to take my son to his aunts as things were looking serious. All this time I have been using my tens machine to cope with the pain (thank God for the boost button).
All of a sudden I had the mother of all contractions and I shouted out in pain for my husband to come! I didn’t think he would hear me. He came running up the stairs and I told him that the baby was going to show up sooner rather than later.
Another phone call to the midwives at approximately 9.00pm. The midwife i had been speaking to was due to go off shift at 9.30 and she asked me if I could hold on until the next person came on shift. I had two contractions within the space of 5mins. Contractions where you can.not.talk.
She said she’d make her way here.
Hubby made a few frantic phone calls to arrange someone to pick my son up as we have an ‘arsey’ car seat that is not the quickest to transfer from car to car. So his sister came and took my car and son to her other sisters, lol!
All the time I was having ‘real’ contractions upstairs, leaning on banister pressing boost J
Two midwives arrived at approximately 9.30pm. By then I had come downstairs with my birthing ball and was leant over it pressing boost, trying to cope with the pain.
After the midwives had set up their equipment it was time to have another internal ;) the fun of it! The midwife found that I was 7-8 centimetres dilated!! I was astounded, well I wasn’t – it felt like I was going to have a baby soon. It was strange to go from 0 cms and despondent that morning, to 7-8 after days of contractions, and nothing to show for it.
Then the gas and air was cracked open! I absolutely adore the stuff ;) It took the edge off the pain and made me more relaxed. At this point i was still using the birthing ball. I remember looking over at my husband in the corner of the room and asking him if he was ok as he was just stood in the corner of the room.
I then began leaning over the ball to help manage the pain, by this time I was pretty noisy. But who cares? I certainly didn’t. Whilst leaning over the ball my water broke, well it exploded. I had a feeling of immediate relief, and then it stepped up a notch. I remember having to lean back off the ball so that they could listen to the baby’s heartbeat.
At some point my husband had come to my side to support me. It was time to push. The midwife asked me to stop using the gas and air as it was time to get baby out. I wasn’t aware of the time that elapsed whilst pushing (as you can imagine). All I can remember was how good a birth partner my husband was. He coached me so well and I listened to him rather than the midwife.
I ended up giving birth leaning on my sofa.
He was placed straight on to my chest and all the pain that I had experienced disappeared. I looked down and he looked just like my other son, except bigger. His feet were huge and he looked at me like he knew who I was.
Today I was reminded that I am somebody. Yes I'm a mother and I wife but I am me too!
My friend was shocked when I told her that we co sleep with both of the boys (we bought an Emperor bed just for the job - 7ft by 7ft something.....mmm). She commented that I needed some time to myself. I laughed, and thought she was just another 'main streamer' disapproving of my parenting choices and brushed it off.
Today I was complemented by the practice nurse. She's normally quite blunt, rushed off her feet and well, a bit rude really. Thinking about it everyone was on form today at my doctors. The receptionist was APOLOGETIC (never been) communicative and pleasant (usually they are the 'gatekeepers' for the GP's and often bulldog like). Anyway, so the nurse said I was 'considerate' I was like... er what do you mean? I had attended with both of my sons as my youngest is having a hard time with the skin on his face and head. So she proceeded to say how I'd asked if my son could play with the toys she has for children in her room and that no one ever did. Then she asked me what I did. I replied that I was a sahm. Then she asked what I did before - I was a student ( I often forget I had just started my masters when I got pregnant with my eldest an proceeded to gethypermesisgravidarum and I dropped out). We chatted a little more. So even though this conversation may seem innocuous to yourself it made me feel good :) She was interested in ME and it was like - your not the same as the people I come across here I'd like to know a little more about YOU. This was the first step in my realisation (or rememberance) that I am SOMEBODY.
Then I had a dentist appointment straight after. I met my husband in a supermarket car park and swapped cars as I was running late. He asked if I was taking my youngest lol! I asked him if I should sit him on my lap when I'm on the dentists chair ;) I went in and the receptionist remembered my name! Can you believe that lol! I had a conversation with a grown up. These people conversed with me, just because!! They didn't have to, they could have given me my card and sent me on my way. Can you tell my self esteem is low? I had forgotten about me. I'm trying so hard (feeling like I'm failing) to be a decent mother and homemaker that I have forgotten the core of ME and if there is no me then how can anything else be? I feel happy. I just need to remember how to access this emotion. How to access me because although I love my role as a mother, wife and homemaker (lol). The core of me need to be nurtured so that I can flourish as a person.
He's a little monster compared to his big brother! Already in 3-6 month clothing ;) His elder brother adores him and just wants to kiss and cuddle him all the time! I feel so lucky. The vest was a present from my crochet teacher Ceri who sells things on folksy under the name fabricake
Luvly, luvly! Mmmm If I had the money, i'd totally order one of those coats! It's a babywearing coat but not as we know it. I thought about asking for one for Eid but they are expensive! I don't think i could ever justify one, i'll have to see if they ever have a sale lol! Did I ever tell you that my friend sells traditional Somali dresses called Diraac? These are traditionally worn for parties. I'd like to get a new one for Eid - It's a custom to wear new clothes at Eid. There are two Eid's in the Islamic calender the one that we will celebrate at the end of Ramadhan is Eid-ul-fitr. InshaAllah (God willing) I'll be off to the Masjid (Mosque) in the morning as it is sunnah (what the prophet Muhammad pbuh- peace be upon him) would do. Not too sure how we will spend the rest of the day. We usually visit my husbands family and give presents to the kids - My family are Christians, or should I say not Muslims ;) Anyway, this year we are trying to enter into the spirit of the festivities as we are a bit bah humbug. I'm thinking about getting DS1 a bike and I have no Idea what to get DS2!! Poor kid needs nothing as his brother has everything to hand down to him. Or should I say, Lucky kid.....
Assalamualaikum - May peace be upon you. Still on a 'changing my life kick'. Not really changed anything big yet though. I'm trying to modify my behaviour. I've not been the nicest person to live with, my hubby has already said he's going to have me checked out lol! Actually that's pretty sad. So yeah, inside out is my new mantra! I'm working on me, I want to be the person I was meant to be. I've also realised that I'm not the person to plan our future. I have pie in the sky 'wants' but I don't really have an tangible goals. So I'm going to give myself little ones and work up to bigger ones. My ultimate goal is to go to Heaven, inshaAllah (God willing) and I feel like i'm failing miserably at trying to do that at the moment. Oh, my hubby's nephew passed his GCSE's with flying colours all A*'s and A's ;) Well Done!!!!
But i'm trying to start a new page in my life and InshaAllah (God willing) It starts here! Cheer me on ;) It's Ramadhan!!! A very special month for Muslims. A time for reflection, fasting ,trying to get closer to God and praying for forgiveness. I fasted for three days and made myself ill on the third day. I'm actually exempt from fasting as I'm breastfeeding my 3 month old son. But I thought it was time I tried to dip my toe back in. It really does help to clarify the mind and soul. So I'm having a break in order to replenish my stores.
Currently I'm busy making lists in order to improve my life. Wish me luck.
Just a quick post as i'm off to bed. It was my 30th birthday yesterday (officially I don't celebrate my birthday - but who doesn't like prezzies?). I had been in bed sick since fri with a migraine (I can't take my medication as I am pregnant). Finally starting to feel a bit better and my beeeeutiful son came down with a bug and proceeded to pee on me and throw up on me - TWICE!!! The second lot stank lol! Happy birthday to me you say ;)
So my new obsession you ask? (i'm still obsessed with bwing) CHICKENS :D Yes you heard me right! I want chooks so bad and it's going to take me a while to get there. In my head I'm thinking a year (god willing). I have to completely revamp my garden as it is a tip!!! I will also have to save alot of money. I'm thinking of getting an omlet eglu or cube
I'm not sure yet though. I did discover something called a chicube today but am not sure about it http://www.chicubes.co.uk/
I also found some wooden coops that I finally fell in love with, only for the maker to have ceased trading :( http://www.kevscoops.co.uk/ For now ;)
My only concern is the dreaded red mite as quite frankly ease of use and cleaning is paramount in my search for the perfect coop.
How many Chickens do I want you ask? I'm not sure really. Which really will affect the housing needed. Knowing me though, i'll want more and it's recommended that you only keep 4 maximum in the eglu (with extended run, or walk in run).
You see the dilemmas I face! Lol!!!
Musn't forget i'm also trying to redecorate the 'spare' room before the baby gets here (due 12th May) So that we can all fit in the same bed!!